Select Combine… from the Time menu to bring up the Combine… window.   Combining Time Records combines two or more similar time records into one record (similar in this case means having the same category, client, project, hourly rate, color and mark characteristics). The steps involved are: 1) Select two or more similar time records. 2) Select Combine from the Time menu. 3) Choose the options in the Combine window, and click on Combine. Combine two or more similar time records using the Mark Special command: 1) Select Mark Special… from the Time menu. 2) Select the category, client, project, and color combinations of the time records you want to combine. Click OK. 3) Select “Select Marked” from the Time menu. 4) Select Combine… from the Time menu. Here's another example showing the difference between combining Actual time and Displayed time. The figure below shows two selected (highlighted) time records. They can be combined because they have similar characteristics.   After combining using Actual time values and deleting the selected time records, the document looks like the figure below. Notice that the two marked time records above have a displayed total elapsed time of 0002:32, while the one combined highlighted time record below shows a displayed total elapsed time of 0002:31. Had the Displayed time values been combined instead of the actual time values, the highlighted time record below would show a total elapsed time of 0002:32. This is partly because the Time Display increment for this document is set to one minute. If the Time Display increment was set to one second, there would be no displayed total elapsed time difference.   The Elapsed Time, Paused Time, Charge, Expenses, and Notes have been combined to one record. If “Combine Notes” was checked, the Notes are appended together (as much as room permits) and separated by a | character.